In today’s world, being a preferred employer entails more than simply offering a competitive salary package with appropriate conditions and perks to employees. It also entails implementing fair employment practises in the workplace, ensuring that present and prospective employees are protected from discrimination and prejudice.
Perks Of Implementing Fair Employment PractisesIn Singapore
It makes sense economically to implement equitable employment policies. Because of the diverse racial, ethnic, age, and gender makeup of Singapore’s workforce, implementing such practises is not only the correct thing to do, but it also helps to establish an inclusive workforce. Within any organisation, diversity fosters innovation and innovation, allowing for the exchange of creative solutions. Furthermore, because the hiring process is based on performance and skills, companies will be able to maximise employees’ potential and capabilities while also helping to improve morale and reduce attrition.
Implementing inclusive policies and activities that recognise and promote chances for personal growth, as well as intergenerational and cross-cultural connections, is essential for creating a safe and congenial work environment for your employees.
To accomplish so, companies must first acknowledge and internalise the fact that the senior workforce will play an important role in Singapore’s future workforce. Employers must give mature workers the chances and tools they need to promote their personal growth and development. fair employment practices in singapore creates better working envoirenment.
Companies should refer to the guiding principles set by Singapore’s Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) and follow the Tripartite Standard on Age Friendly Workplaces when developing such policies and initiatives